Wednesday, 6 February 2013

How to Get Rid of Brown Spots

The face, neck, chest and hands are the most popular areas to treat. A progressive series of 5-8 treatments are gently performed 2-4 weeks apart. Peels are often combined with microdermabrasion producing even better results.

Prevention is the easy part—apply sunscreen to your hands, arms, face, and scalp (if not covered with hair) every day, whether you plan to go outside or not. You see, sun damage comes in two forms: UVA and UVB. Ultraviolet A rays are known as "aging rays"; UVA sunlight makes up 90-95% of all sunlight that reaches the earth's surface. It penetrates windows of houses and cars; it gets through clouds; it's present 365 days a year. Even more troublesome is the fact that UVA exposure is "silent". You don't get a tan or sunburn from UVA exposure. UVB rays, also called "burning rays," cause tanning and burning of the skin, so you know when it's happening. Enough said? So from this day forward, you'll apply sunscreen with an SPF of 30? A laser generates and intense beam of light.

This beam brings energy to a specific site, through a small hand piece connected to the laser. The laser light is absorbed by oxyhemoglobin (bright red blood cells carrying oxygen) and melanin/pigment (black or brown pigment found in the skin) causing decomposition or destruction by heat of unwanted cells while leaving healthy cells intact.

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